Computer Controlled Cutting


Laser is an acroynm for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation."

What is laser cutting?

Laser cutting is a technology that uses a laser to slice/cut materials. It works by having the focused laser beam directed at material which either melts, burns or vaporizes away through the optics.

Types of Laser Cutting Mechanism

    Ablation (Subtractive process- removal of material from a raw substrate block)

Gain Medium

A medium which is use to amplify the power of light in laser to compensate for the resonator losses

Types of Lasers (Gain Medium)

    CO2 (10.6 u)
    Fiber (1-2 u)
    InGaAsP (1-2 u)
    Nd:YAG (1064, 532 nm)
    Ti:sapphire (650-1100 nm)
    Excimer (100-300 nm)

To ensure safe laser cutter operation,
make sure to have the correct airflow settings (air assist, exhaust, filter).

Laserable/Prohibited Materials for laser cutting

Laserable materials

      1. Cardboard
      2. Wood
      3. Acrylic
      4. Delrin
      5. Fabric
      6. Ceramic
      7. Glass

Prohibited materials(Catch fire when laser cutting)

      1. PVC
      2. Pleather
      3. Moleskin
      4. Polycarbonate/Lexan
      5. HDPE
      6. Polystyrene foam
      7. Fiberglass
      8. Carbon fiber
      9. Butane/Gas

Laser settings


      • Higher burns deeper
      • Too much or too little sacrifices detail


      • Higher saves time, burns shallower
      • Too high or low speeds reduces detail

Frequency (PPI)

      • # pulses per inch of travel
      • Higher increase burning/melting effect
      • Acrylic: 500 ~ 1000
      • Wood: 100 ~ 500

Rule of Thumb:

      • Doubling power doubles depth of cut
      • Halving speed doubles depth of cut

Use vendor recommended settings as starting point